
Alternate Speed & Power


The BAC controllers have two configurable power and speed modes. The default mode is Race mode, the secondary mode is Street mode. You are in default mode if you do not configure alternate modes, and if you have, when your input is not active. For example, if you’ve set Cruise to be your input source, you are in default Race mode when the switch is open and in Street mode when the switch is closed connecting Cruise to ground.

Alternate mode inputs

Available input sources for alternate power modes include Cruise/Digital input 1, PFS/Digital input 2, Brake 1/Analogue input 2, Brake 2/Analogue input 3, and remote pwr sw or remote spd sw by writing over the network to Remote Digital_Commands bit 5 Alt Spd or Remote Digital_Commands bit 5 Alt Spd respectively.

Available input sources for alternate speed mode include Cruise/Digital input 1, PFS/Digital input 2, Brake 1/Analogue input 2, Brake 2/Analogue input 3, and remote pwr sw or remote spd sw by writing over the network to Remote Digital_Commands bit 5 Alt Spd or Remote Digital_Commands bit 5 Alt Spd respectively.

Alternate power mode setup

  1. Enable Features bit 10 Alternate power limit enable.
  2. Select your input source, Alternate power switch source.
  3. Enter your desired power limits1 for:
    1. Rated motor power (Race mode PAS power)2
    2. Rated motor power (Race mode Throttle power)
    3. Rated motor power (Street mode PAS power)2
    4. Rated motor power (Street mode Throttle power)
  • Note 1: We require Race mode power to be set higher than Street mode power.
  • Note 2: PAS Power applies to pedal and all other power limits other than throttle. Consider it the default power.

Alternate speed mode setup

  1. Enable Features bit 8 Alternate speed limit enable.
  2. Select your input source, Alternate speed limit switch source.
  3. Enter your desired power limits for:
    1. Vehicle maximum speed (Race mode PAS max speed)
    2. Vehicle maximum speed (Race mode Throttle max speed)
    3. Vehicle maximum speed (Street mode PAS max speed)
    4. Vehicle maximum speed (Street mode Throttle max speed)

Configuration parameters

General setup


Alternate speed limits


Alternate power limits


Smart, Silent, Smooth.

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